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Officials from Longmont have concluded that procedures used by Longmont police to establish consent during warrantless searches did not adhere to the police department’s standards. The tenets of a Longmont apartment building were reportedly not told in advance that they had a right to refuse entry by the police and K-9 dogs that, along with housing authority staff, were conducting the unconstitutional searches. The Weld County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation on the searches, but decided that Longmont police “policies, procedures, training and practices are all in place and appropriate.” Apparently infringing upon the rights of others is “appropriate” in the eyes of the police.

The Law Offices of Steven J Pisani specialize in DUI, traffic, and criminal defense. Call our Denver office today for a free consultation at 303-635-6768.

Denver Post, John Fryar, 7/14/2017



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