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Theft crimes are extremely common in Denver. If you are charged with theft, there’s no question the situation can be confusing and intimidating.
Colorado criminal law isn’t easy to understand. Because of that, one of the best things you can do is to hire a Denver criminal defense attorney. Our team at The Law Offices of Steven J. Pisani is ready to defend your case and help you understand the charges you are facing.
While hiring an attorney to help with your case is a smart move, it’s also helpful to understand the different theft charges you may face in Denver.
In the state of Colorado, theft is defined as taking and keeping something that is not yours when you do not receive permission from the item’s owner.
However, theft often extends beyond this rather simple definition. In some situations, theft may also include individuals who did not actively steal something but provided aid to the individual who did.
For example, if you attempt to sell a stolen item to a pawn show, and the pawnbroker knows the item is stolen but purchase it anyway, they can also be charged with theft. Also, if someone helps to dispose of a stolen item, they may be charged with theft.
The deciding factor in this is knowing if the goods are stolen. Once you find out, then you are also considered liable if you do anything besides telling the police.
Denver theft laws include several types of illegal behavior. This includes everything from embezzling money from your employer to shoplifting at a retail establishment.
All these crimes relate to one another because theft involves taking something of value that belongs to another person without permission and then hiding, keeping, or selling it so the owner cannot recover the item or items.
Colorado theft laws are written using broad terms. They also involve several types of theft crimes:
Colorado also has several specific laws that cover different illegal behaviors, such as:
If you are charged with any type of theft, you need to understand what the charges actually mean.
The type of theft and worth of the item or items taken determine if you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony.
Theft is considered a misdemeanor in some situations. These include:
If you steal something worth under $50, you are charged with class 1 petty theft. This charge comes with a fine of up to $500 and/or up to six months in jail.
Theft may also be charged as a felony. This occurs if the value of the item stolen is more than the limits mentioned above. Felony charges include:
If you are convicted of any felony theft charge for stealing from a location in four years, it means you receive a mandatory sentence of the minimum term allowed. Also, there will be no chance for a suspended sentence or parole in this situation.
For situations where you steal from a person, instead of breaking into a business or home, you are charged with a class 5 felony automatically. The charge will be kept in place, no matter the value of the item or items you took.
If you steal something that is worth $1 million or more, you may receive the maximum sentence for theft. This would be a class 2 felony charge and have a prison sentence of eight to 24 years. You would also be on parole for five years.
Along with this hefty sentence, you will likely be ordered to pay a significant fine. It is at the court’s discretion to decide what to charge you with.
If you have been charged with any type of theft crime in Denver, contact our team at the Law Offices of Steven J. Pisani. You can call us at (303) 529-2242 to set up a free initial consultation to discuss your case.